Friday, May 7, 2010

Not So Lucky Me, And a Jazz Game

A week ago today, Mandy got some free tickets to the Jazz playoff game (I don't know how she can always get free things. Not just with coupons and stuff. When we had raffles in my club meetings, we won three out of four times. The time we didn't win anything, I was holding the ticket. The time we won the best thing, I wasn't even there for the drawing.). She actually got these tickets from Deron Williams. He gave them to some of his Facebook friends.

Well, on the way to the game, we took tracks from 4500 South in Salt Lake. We accidentally got on a University train, instead of a train that goes down town, so we had to get off at the courthouse. While we were there, we had a kind of scary, kind of funny, very vulgar experience. There was, for lack of a better word, a white guy and some Hispanics talking in Spanish near the automated ticket seller. A man came up to buy tickets, and while he was there, he turned to the Spanish speakers, and said, "Excuse me" in a very gruff voice. The Spanish speakers moved away, thinking they were just in the way. A little while later the new comer said, "Get out of America!" Well, this led to a large argument about, 1. How the white guy, was an American, and 2. How everyone came from somewhere else, and 3. How all Hispanics should go back to Mexico (oh and one small comment about how none of the Hispanics there were actually from Mexico). This argument was long and very vulgar, at least 10 F words from both sides. After the argument, the white guy got a phone call and told whoever was on the other end about the argument and said, "Yeah but he didn't know I was FBI." He later answered the phone "Agent 5403." I think he was FBI, but Mandy wasn't sure.

Then we went to the game. On the way some drunk guy hit on Mandy. He couldn't see me on the train, or I am sure he wouldn't have been so bold.

Well, onto the game.

I don't know why D-Will couldn't get us better seats. I mean Mandy is his Facebook friend (We didn't even win anything while we were there). But we still had a good time.

The Jazz won. It was game six, and the last game of the series. You could still see everything well, even though we were up high.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Hair Due

Mandy complains about how I watch Mikah. When he doesn't need me, I like to close all the doors in the house, and let him explore what he can get to (our house is pretty small, so he can pretty much get to the living room, and the hallway when all the doors are closed). He can't really get into trouble this way, but he does make a mess sometimes (really its all the time, maybe thats why Mandy complains, but at least he doesn't get in to trouble).

Well, Mandy told me this story that happened while I was at work. We recently got Mikah this track with small battery powered cars. He likes playing with the cars more than watching them go around the track, so Mandy let him play with one that was turned on, and just let him follow it around the house.

This is what Mikah looks like while he is playing with his car while we are watching.

This is what he looks like after he plays with the car when we are not looking. (I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but right in the middle of Mikah's head there is a bunch of twisted hair)

Apparently, Mikah tried to comb his hair with the car's wheels while it was running. Also, the car pulled a chunk of hair out of Mikah's head. When I got home from work a few hours later, Mikah's hair was still tied in a knot. I got it untangled a few hours later, but his hair still looked like it had been crimped the next day. And Mandy complains about how I watch Mikah?

Monday, May 3, 2010


This post is going to be short because Mandy's corresponding post was really short. Basically, Mikah loves going in the bathroom. He loves taking baths, and anything to do with water. He even laughs when we walk with him in is car seat and it is raining on him. Most of the time, when he goes into the bathroom, he just bangs his toys on the tub. But recently he has discovered the toilet. He likes to lift the lid and put stuff in there.

Mandy would be lying to you if she said this was the first time something like this has happened. The first time I found him with the toilet, he had his hand trapped in the lid. (I heard the lid slam down so I ran in there thinking he would be hurt, but when I got in there, he was fine, except he had the "I know I just did something wrong/help my hand is stuck in the toilet bowl" look that babies get sometimes.) The first thing we found in the bowl was his hair brush. This is just the first time we took a picture. (I don't know why, but Mandy had me take the picture. You can see my foot next to the bowl.) Luckily we had just cleaned the toilet, but we still boiled his binki before we gave it back to him.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mikah's Rough Day

So, Mandy read my blog post from yesterday and said that I wasn't funny. I apologize to all of you for my sub-par performance. I will try to improve upon my failure, and bring more smiles into your day.(I, myself, thought the line about not feeding your sons fingers to the goat was pretty funny, but Mandy didn't even crack a smile)

Anyhow, on to a new post. Mikah is walking really well and has good balance. He has actually been walking for about 2 months now, at least a little bit. He hardly even crawls anymore. But, he has two problems, well really three, but the third one isn't really his problem. The first is he thinks that everything is made out of the same stuff. For example, when he is in the shower with me (it is a lot easier to bathe him when he is in the shower) he will walk around, and sometimes he tries to lean in the shower curtain. This obviously doesn't hold him up, but he usually catches himself or just slides down the side of the tub. Another kind of funny example is, just yesterday at Costco, he was walking around and saw a bag of chips (this was a jumbo sized, big as he is, and packed full of air bag of chips). He ran straight for it and slammed his hands into it (he really likes hitting things to see what sounds they make). The chips bounced him back about a foot and landed him on his butt. It may be one of those things where you had to be there, but I laughed out loud at him.

Now onto his bad day last week. Mikah's second problem, which is his depth perception (or lack there of) leads straight into the first incident on that day. He likes to get about a foot away from things and then lean into them and grab them. He doesn't usually need to be supported, but I think he likes the comfort of being held up. Usually he won't stop and judge where he is, and some of the time he will run up to the object that is going to hold him up. Also, up until the fateful day last week, he always kept his feet under him. Well, Monday of last week, Mikah was just going through the motions of, didn't keep his head up as he went in for the tackle, and bam, he got bowled over by our TV stand. He took a hard hit in the mouth and cut up his bottom lip.

You may remember from Mandy's post that Mikah fell two times that day, the second time cutting his top lip. What she didn't tell you is Mikah's third problem, she likes to help him fall down. He was under his high chair (it is pretty tall and he can walk under it) walking around. Mandy decided that the high chair was not in the right spot, so she pushes it (it is on wheels with bars across the front and back connecting the legs at the bottom) and takes his feet out from under him. (I know Mandy, you didn't mean to hurt him, it was just and accident)

I don't really know why Mandy put this picture on her blog, but you can kind of see some blood on his tooth and a mark under his bottom lip. He was pretty happy still.

Mandy didn't really explain what happened with the rose bushes, so I will fill you in better. When I got home on that day, Mandy was outside with Mikah. He loves it outside, and loves walking in the grass. I took him from her and let him walk around in the grass. Mandy went in for a while but the came back out and Mikah was pretty far away from the bushes still. We start to talk and watch Mikah together as he starts making his way to the bushes. He gets about a step away, and Mandy says "Don't let him get in the bushes, they are rose bushes." And then she goes inside. So, I am left with a dilemma. I can't let him know that I am coming to get him, because he will get too excited and dive for the bushes. I can't just sneak up on him, because he is eying (I did not know that was how you spell eye-ing) the bushes like he wanted to hold them. So, I got his attention and slowly made my way towards him. When I was almost there, he got a little excited and fell back onto his butt. He would have been just fine but he tried to use the bushes to catch himself on the way down. This is where his first problem (thinking every thing is made out of the same stuff) hurt him. He started to cry, and so I picked him up and grabbed his arm to look at his hand (from what I saw, his hand is what grabbed the bushes) but he just screamed and wouldn't let me look. Later in the house we saw his arm.

Mikah's arm after the rose bushes.

It is pretty amazing the Mikah still seems to fine and progressing after all we let him go through.

Anyway, the fish is still alive and Mandy has seemed to either put off trying to kill it, or is doing things when I am not here and not telling me about them. I will try to keep my eye open, don't tell Mandy this, but I might even put in a hidden camera so I can catch her, I don't think she can read this small text.

Now to make my post funny, enjoy:

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He's not breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

"I think my friend is dead!" he yells. "What can I do?" The operator says, "Calm down. First, let's make sure he's dead."

There's a silence, then a shot. Back on the phone, the guy says, "Okay, now what?"

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Sorry to all of you who have been continuing to come to my blog everyday just to be disappointed that I hadn't posted anything.(According to the site meter that is 7 of you) I have been pretty busy. This past week was my first week of working full time. I am still working for Independent Study. I ended up getting an interview from the company that randomly called me, but I don't think it went very well, and I don't really feel good about working for them. With that and some other things, I haven't had much time to blog. I am going to have to post everyday for about a week or so to make up on all the things that I missed. That is good news for all you who thought I might not ever blog again (myself included).

So, first things first. Mandy had a post called Weekend Fun. I will get to the stuff she missed at Wheeler Farm, but first I want to talk about where we went to eat. We went to the Thai Garden. It was really authentic, from the menu in broken English (you can order sprimg rolls instead of spring rolls), to the waitresses in broken English, to the fish that is just too big for the large tank(seriously, there is a fish that is at least a foot an a half long and the tank they have is just about that wide). Oh and the food reminded me of eating in the Philippines. You can see some reviews here. i highly recommend it. It really is not very expensive either.

Now on to Wheeler farm.

Mikah liked all the animals, but this is probably the only animal that liked Mikah. We walked past this pen a couple of times and each time we came back the momma goat would bleat(is this what goats do?) and the baby goat would come out. The first time we stopped and went up to the baby goat and Mikah tried to touch it. The goat licked is fingers a couple of times(he may have bit his fingers, but Mikah didn't cry). Mikah didn't really like him anymore.

We walked past this sign on the way in and didn't notice it until the way out. At least it doesn't say don't feed your son's fingers to the goats.

I thought this was funny. When we were almost to the car, I noticed this goose on the only nice car in the Wheeler Farm parking lot. I pointed it out to Mandy and she kept taking pictures and walking closer. She never zoomed in, so the goose let her get right next to the car before it even thought about getting off. (It never actually got off until after we left, but it did start walking away from Mandy when she got right next to the car)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Year 2000

Travel back with me if you will about ten years, right after the world did not end from Y2K. Things were progressing along smoothly. DVD players were out, but VHS's were much more popular. The Play Station 2 was just coming out, and there were no X Boxes yet. None of your cell phones had cameras in them and most probably looked like this.

First generation Ipods had not come out yet, but we did have MP3 Players. They were the size of cd players, would only take a few hours to import the 6 gigs of music to it, and cost around $420.

While most people have moved on from most of the technology of that era, many are still stuck in the early 2000's. The main culprit of this are companies who are still using Windows XP operating systems. It wouldn't make sense to use that cell phone, or MP3 player these days, so how can we still be using Windows XP? I don't know. I know cost of upgrading is a factor, but when the new computers they buy are still XP, it doesn't make any sense to me.

Score update:
Fish-4, Mandy-0.

Yesterday was my last day for a long time that I did not have to work for a full day. I actually got off at 10. So, Mandy and I decided to go up to Salt Lake and take Mikah to Wheeler Farm. We were planning on coming home around 2 because Mandy had a photo shoot, but she canceled that because of the rain. Then, Mandy decided to stay up and hang out with her sisters until around 9. I will give more details of this trip in another post. On the way home I find out that Mandy had not fed the all day. Then, when we got home, it was cold in the house. Mandy had turned the air all the way down trying to freeze the fish while she starved it. But the fish is still alive. Go Fish!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Mandy's Skirt

Mandy didn't really explain what she wanted in a skirt, and that picture I don't think shows it very well. She wants a high-waist knee-length skirt that flares out at the bottom. Why I know how to explain what she wants in clothes better than she does, nobody knows. But here is a better picture of what she wants. I don't know if she would like this one exactly, but this is the shape she wants.

Follow this link here to shop more skirts that are like this.

If only she had asked me to find it...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mandy Loves Me

And I love her too. If you are coming from her blog you would see all the reasons that she loves me, but she has them all wrong. I am the best, and I am a good kisser, but the "he will do anything for me" statement is only true when there is neither a good CSI nor sports on TV. It is true that I am the one in the house that cleans the bathroom, but usually only after three weeks of her asking me to do it. I am smart, good lookin' and funny, and I can see why she would love me because of that. But the main reason she should love me is because I was willing to go out in public in this.

We had an 80's themed ward activity a while ago, and we were the only ones dressed up for the first half hour or so. Eventually other people began showing up dressed in 80's clothes, but we were all by ourselves for a while. I still can't believe I went outside in that, and that I let her post it on her blog. At least she was dressed up too.

I love this picture of Mikah. He looks like he is on something. I blew it up for all of you to see.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Job Search

As some of you may know, I am trying to find an internship for the summer, which I hope to lead to a full time position after I graduate. Or I hope to at least find a place where I can get some experience, so I can have a better chance at getting a job next year. Well, so far, I have yet to get any offers. I have had a few interviews, some that I felt really good about, but still nothing. Earlier in the semester my wife helped me post my resume on a lot of sites. I thought it would probably be a waste of time, but it couldn't hurt. I wouldn't end up with less job offers because I posted my resume around. Then, about a week ago, my landlord was here taking out our carpet so that more could be laid. We talked about me wanting to get an internship, and he said that he knew a few people he could pass my resume onto. So, I emailed him my resume. Then a few days later, Mandy got a call from a recruiter from a local company that had a full time position open, and wanted me to interview for it. I was at work, so I wasn't able to talk to him. We assumed it was someone our landlord knew. When I spoke with the recruiter after work, I found out that he had just pulled my resume off of an online sight that I had posted it on. It seems like it wasn't a waste of time after all. I still don't have a job, and I will still have to wait some time before I even get the interview, but I am glad that we took the time to post my resume on those sites.

Score update:
Fish-2, Mandy-0
Earlier today I chatted with my wife asking if she had fed the fish yet. It had been 16 hours since the last feeding, and you are supposed to feed the fish every 12 hours. It took her a minute to reply, but she said, yeah I fed him. I asked when she had fed him, and she said about an hour ago. I thought, yeah it was about a minute ago, and that was only because I asked if you had fed it. Anyway, the fish survived the starvation attempt, and Mandy is trying to find another way to kill the fish.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Our Baby Was Supposed to Look Like

While I was looking for a good picture of my couch yesterday I came across this. Almost two years ago in Aug 2008 Mandy and I did a Make Me Babies baby. It is supprisingly accurate. It was close on the nose shape, eye color and cheeks. A swing and a miss on the hair for now, but all in all it was pretty good.

Now you may say, oh I want to do that to see what my babies are going to look like. Don't be fooled. It does not always work. I know Josh and Cari have not had any babies yet, but there is no way that two pasty white people are going to make a baby that looks like this.

Sorry to dash your hopes Josh, but if you want your babies to be good at basketball, they are going to have to work at it.

New Furniture

I know you may be wondering what a video of my Son making a basket has to do with new furniture. Well it was the only good picture I could find of our old couches. You can see me laying on our old sofa in that video. It was really nice to not have to buy new furniture when we got married, and the couches weren't too bad, but, yeah they were pretty bad. Both couches only had 3 legs, so we had some little pans under them to hold them up. When you sat in them, you sank into them, and got stuck. And all the pillows were falling apart. So, thank you Mandy's parents for letting us use them. We really did like having furniture for the first two and a half years of our marriage, but we are pretty happy to get new ones.

Here is our new living room, pretty much all full of couch and ottoman. They are really nice though.

This is were I first laid on the couch. Sorry I don't have a picture or a video of this to show you how nice it is compared to our old one, but Mandy wasn't here when I was laying on it, and Mikah wasn't doing anything cute in front of me, so there wouldn't have been any capturing of the moment, even if Mandy was here.

Enjoy your new couches Michelle!!!

Fish-1, Mandy-0. Mandy has not tried to kill the fish since my last post so the score is still the same.

Mikah's New Fish

So, you know those two fish that Mandy killed on Friday? Well, we got our son a new one. It is a betta fish this time. We only got one, because if you put two bettas together they will attack each other. I thought that it would be fun to watch, but I don't think Mandy wanted any help killing the fish this time. She found out from her friends that bettas are hard to kill, and she wants the challenge to be all hers. (See her post here). It must be true that they are harder to kill because we have had it for over a day and it is still alive. Or it could also be that we spent $4 on it. If you do the math, we paid $0.28 for about 12 hours of fish aliveness, so this fish should make it for at least a week before Mandy can kill it.

So we tried to recreate the whole first pet experience for Mikah, so he wouldn't be heart broken about his dead fish. Here he is trying to eat his fish bowl again. I may or may not be pushing his face against the bowl for recreational (the act of recreating, not because it was fun) purposes.

He is so happy here, I don't think he even realizes that his fish is blue instead of gold, and that there is only one of them.

Earlier today, Mandy fed the fish and made her first attempt at killing it, although, she did try to blame it on Mikah. She was "just showing him the fish as he came up to eat, and did catch him one time as he tried to pet it." She even put Mikah in time out for "trying to hit the fish." But I am on to you Mandy. Fish-1, Mandy-0. I will try to keep you updated on the score as things progress.

Vocab word for the day:
Aliveness: see also animateness; The state of being alive; exuberance, intensity.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our First ... Prom?

So I am telling my side of this story first because we are out of town and my wife doesn't have her computer, but I am sure she will get around to posting something about this. My wife's little brother had prom tonight, so eight of his family members traveled for at least two hours to be there(my self included). I think this is kind of weird, but apparently in Sevier County, UT they have a tradition that the entire family attends prom for about the first hour and a half, and mostly they just sit in the bleachers and watch a choreographed dance that the students attending prom put on . I don't know how MicKlane (Mandy's little brother) felt, but I know if my family had spent time with me on a date, especially at prom, I would have felt weird. Here are a few pictures to prove I was there, to show MicKlane and his date, and to show one amazing Sevier County hair-do.

Here is my wife and I at our first prom together.

Here is MicKlane and his cute little date. Good job MicKlane!!

Here is a picture of MicKlane, all his siblings and siblings-in-law (word I just made up) and his only nephew (my son). We are all at his prom and the only one that didn't travel for two+ hours to get there is the little one in the front that MicKlane is hiding behind. If you can't tell, MicKlane's date is not in this picture, in fact at this time she is on the other side of the room getting these same kind of pictures take with her family.

And now for the hair-do. I don't know if I have ever seen anything like this. We do not know this girl, so we couldn't get a close up, and the picture is kind of blury, but this girl's hair had Sevier County written all over it. I don't know if you can really tell in this picture, but the blond hair is actually on one layer. She has another layer that is almost black underneath, and it was all crimped. I knew when I saw this hair, that I had to share it with the world. Or at least the one or two people who read this (one of which is myself).

Pets Fail

So you know those fish that my son was trying to eat last night? Well they died. I don't have any solid evidence but I am pretty sure my wife killed them (see my wifes post here for her confession). I mean, how can fish that we spent $0.28 on die in less than 12 hours? Yeah, I don't know either, but when we get more, I am going to keep my wife away from them.

Rest in peace in your watery grave of our toilet, Nana and Ball.

Friday, April 16, 2010

First Blog Post Ever In My Entire Life For Ever, Which Happens To Be One Word But I Wrote It As Two

This is my first blog post ever so... I guess I will introduce myself.

My name is Jordan, I am making this blog for two reasons. First, to tell the story how it really is, so everyone doesn't always only hear my wife's side of the story, and Second to post about random stuff that I want to let the world know.
I am a student at BYU and I am finishing up my junior year of the Information Systems Program.
I am married and have 10 month old son who just got his first two pets. Two gold fish he named nana(banana) and ball(ball) which happen to be his first two words. Here is a picture of him trying to eat the fishbowl.

Here is a picture of my family and I at a BYU basketball game.

That is all I have for now. I will be back later

ps. visit to enter a give away, but don't really because it takes away from my chances of winning.