A week ago today, Mandy got some free tickets to the Jazz playoff game (I don't know how she can always get free things. Not just with coupons and stuff. When we had raffles in my club meetings, we won three out of four times. The time we didn't win anything, I was holding the ticket. The time we won the best thing, I wasn't even there for the drawing.). She actually got these tickets from Deron Williams. He gave them to some of his Facebook friends.
Well, on the way to the game, we took tracks from 4500 South in Salt Lake. We accidentally got on a University train, instead of a train that goes down town, so we had to get off at the courthouse. While we were there, we had a kind of scary, kind of funny, very vulgar experience. There was, for lack of a better word, a white guy and some Hispanics talking in Spanish near the automated ticket seller. A man came up to buy tickets, and while he was there, he turned to the Spanish speakers, and said, "Excuse me" in a very gruff voice. The Spanish speakers moved away, thinking they were just in the way. A little while later the new comer said, "Get out of America!" Well, this led to a large argument about, 1. How the white guy, was an American, and 2. How everyone came from somewhere else, and 3. How all Hispanics should go back to Mexico (oh and one small comment about how none of the Hispanics there were actually from Mexico). This argument was long and very vulgar, at least 10 F words from both sides. After the argument, the white guy got a phone call and told whoever was on the other end about the argument and said, "Yeah but he didn't know I was FBI." He later answered the phone "Agent 5403." I think he was FBI, but Mandy wasn't sure.
Then we went to the game. On the way some drunk guy hit on Mandy. He couldn't see me on the train, or I am sure he wouldn't have been so bold.
Well, onto the game.
I don't know why D-Will couldn't get us better seats. I mean Mandy is his Facebook friend (We didn't even win anything while we were there). But we still had a good time.
The Jazz won. It was game six, and the last game of the series. You could still see everything well, even though we were up high.
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